Select all that apply:
Community Group/Organization
Group or Organization
If you are from a community group or organization, please share the name of your group/organization. If not, leave this blank.
Contact Person
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Proposed Date of Event
What date would you like to book our facilities.
Proposed Time of Event
Will you need set up and break down time?
Do you need time to set up/breakdown before and after the event?
Do you agree to adhere to all rules and instructions for the use of the building and its grounds, and will in now way hold Faith Temple Church of God in Christ or The Nehemiah Family Life Center responsible as per the Hold Harmless Agreement.
I agree
Events & Meetings: select the space(es) you'd like to request.
Faith Temple Sanctuary | $500
Nehemiah Center Gym Area | $600
Nehemiah Center Kitchen | $300
Nehemiah Center Conference Room | $150
Nehemiah Center Theatre Room | $150
Nehemiah Center Upstairs Areas | $400
Nehemiah Center Covered Shed | $200
Funerals: select the space(es) you'd like to request.
Faith Temple Church Sanctuary | $400
Nehemiah Center for Repast (No Kitchen) | $400
Weddings: select the space(es) you'd like to request.
Faith Temple Church Sanctuary (Wedding & Rehearsal) | $700
Nehemiah Center for Rehearsal Dinner (No Kitchen) | $350
Nehemiah Center for Reception (No Kitchen) | $600
Do you agree to the following:
In consideration for the use of the facility known as the Nehemiah Family Life Center and/or Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ building located at 640-650 Pollard St, Jasper Texas 75951, I Agree to hold harmless Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ (FTC) and the Nehemiah Family Life Center (NFLC) for any damage to property, or injury to, or death of any person sustained during an activity held by FTC or NFLC, or an activity for which the building was leased for, by reason of the condition of the property or any part thereof or arising from the bursting or leaking of any water, gas or sewer pipes, or due to any act or neglect of the lessee, FTC or NFLC. We would like to use the Nehemiah Family Life Center/Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ building/facilities/grounds at my specified booking time and date for the purpose specified in my application. I, or my organization, take full responsibility to fully protect the Nehemiah Family Life Center and Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ against loss or damage to the church property or for any injury or casualty to an individual whatsoever. I have read the Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ Building and Property Use Lee Agreement and agree to abide by said policy.
By checking "I agree" below, I give my digital signature.
I agree